EngageBay lets you display the dates and time slots based on your availability. You can display them in your appointment scheduling link to your customers and let them choose a convenience slot.
To create slots,
i. Navigate to Sales > Appointments.
ii. Select Links from the left side column.
iii. Click on Create Meeting Link button on the top right if you want to create a new meeting link or click the 3 dots to the right of the existing meeting link and select Edit
iv. You will find the Slots option.
v. When you click on Create Slots, a new panel pops up.
vi. Enter the necessary information, including
Name: Enter a unique name for your slot
Description: Add details about your slot if you want to
Duration: Choose the duration of your slot availability. It also has the option to choose All Day
Color: Tag your slots with different colors
vii. Once done, press Submit.
Please check the below video.