Web Rules automate actions in response to user activity on your website.

You can use web rules to show popups, surveys or forms, automatically increase a lead score, add contacts to a specific email campaign when they visit a specific product page, and much more.

In this guide, we’ll learn how to set up Web Rules in EngageBay.

Whenever you create a push notification, site message, or a sticky bar, the web rule helps define which page to show them on.

You can further use web rules to add contacts to a specific email campaign when they visit a particular product page or automatically increase a lead score.


Actions on Webrules:

Edit: To edit a web rule, please click the 3 dots to the right of the webrule and select Edit

Delete: To delete a webrule, please click the 3 dots to the right of the webrule and select Delete.




With EngageBay's Web Rules, seamlessy automate desired actions or conditions in response to the user activity on your website in seconds.